O-Rings X-rings Viton, FKM, FPM, Kalrez, EPDM, NBR

Viton is widely used as a material for producing seals and especially O-rings. Viton is resistant to gasoline, industrial oils and other aggressive fluids.
Viton® - a trademark owned by DuPont. Also known as Viton FPM and FKM: FPM - in accordance with the International Organization for Standardization (ISO), and FKM - in accordance with the designation adopted by the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM).
Viton is widely used as a material of the compressor equipment for the manufacture of seals, and especially O-rings.
If the use of such seals in the production of non-standard, then the equipment which has Viton seals, the manufacturer is usually marked by the letter «V».
Some manufacturers further treat Viton seals with teflon for greater resistance to liquids. Typically, manufacturers try not to save and apply the standard type seals Viton.

FPM / FKM / VITON (Fluoro rubber) has a high chemical resistance, and resistance to high temperatures, has excellent mechanical and physical properties. The content of fluorine rubber composition ensures combustibility of the material. Fluorinated elastomers have minimum weight loss when operating in a vacuum.
Resistant to:
Fuels, aging, aggressive chemicals, mineral oils and greases, silicone oils and fats, oils with sulfur, hydraulic fluids, biologically decomposes, ozone, aliphatic hydrocarbons (propane, butane, gasoline), aromatic hydrocarbons (benzene, toluene) chlorination of hydrocarbons UV.
Not resistant to:
Esters, brake fluids glycol-based organic acids, Flux acid, ketones (acetone, acetophenone), red-hot steam, ammonia, amines, polar solvents (acetone, methyl ethyl ketone, dioxane).

Operating temperature range: -20 ° C to + 200 ° C, short-time withstand heat up to + 230 ° C.
Keep in mind that when the temperature rises from fluoroelastomers seals over + 300 ° C are beginning to evolve toxic gases and vapors, and even after cooling, these materials are not safe.
Main applications - O-rings (O-Rings)
O-rings (O-Rings) are used in a number of areas, both as sealing elements, and the elements of the activation of seals for hydraulics and wipers. Thus, the circular ring (O-Ring) are used in all industries, including aerospace, automotive and general engineering industries.
Customer Benefits
TMS company offers a wide range of elastomeric materials for standard and special applications, which allow the use of circular rings (O-Rings) to seal practically all liquid and gaseous media.
Rubber round rings are made on the basis of materials EPDM, FKM, NBR, HNBR.
We can offer round rings all sizes - inch and metric standard and made to order, any size, including large diameters, manufactured using technology Fleximold ™.
We are ready to offer you the following products from material Viton on special order: gaskets, seals, vibration dampers, expansion joints, gaskets, rectangular rings, diaphragms, caps, heat-resistant cables and plates.
Today, the O-ring cross-section (O-Ring) is most commonly used due to low cost production of sealing and ease of use.
For all subsequent questions, please contact our sales team!