
The second most popular choice of paranite, although similar in offer to "TEMAC" and is in one price category. The brand is manufactured by a Polish company specializing in the production of airtightness and thermal insulation products. The high quality of the products is confirmed by various certificates, including ISO 9001 and ISO 14001. If the technical specification of the equipment indicates a part of this brand or needs to be replaced, it can be ordered and purchased with the help of our company's specialists.
The following products are available:

AF-1000® Type 226 - Used in high temperature connections, high pressure systems and medium flow fluctuations. Differs in high mechanical strength. Can be used in the automotive industry. NOT recommended for use in acidic and chemical environments. Resistant to water, steam, fuels and oils.
Operating temperature: + 350 ° C (for steam + 250 ° C), maximum temperature + 420 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 120 bar

AF-153® Type 230 - a material with relatively low parameters, recommended for use mainly in water supply and sewerage systems.
Operating temperature: + 155 ° C (for steam + 130 ° C), maximum temperature + 180 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 40 bar

AF-200® Type 227 - a high parameter material containing a special combination of aramid fabres and graphite. The sheet has high elasticity. Recommended for contact with steam, water, fuel and oil.
Operating temperature: + 320 ° C (for steam + 250 ° C), maximum temperature + 380 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 80 bar

AF-200 Universal® Type 215 - a versatile oil resistant material for use in most media at medium temperatures and pressures. Environmentally friendly sheet material without N-nitrosamines.
AF-200 Universal® Type 215 - Approvals
Operating temperature: + 220 ° C (for steam + 180 ° C), maximum temperature + 300 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 60 bar

AF-202® Type 212 - a popular low temperature and low pressure sealing material. Especially recommended for the fuel oil industry.
Operating temperature: + 180 ° C (for steam + 150 ° C), maximum temperature + 200 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 40 bar

AF-Oil® Type 235 - an oil resistant sealing material, recommended for high temperatures and pressures. Recommended for use with water, steam, fuel, oil, brine, natural gas, propane-butane.
Operating temperature: from - 60 + 300 ° C (for steam + 230 ° C), maximum temperature + 350 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 100 bar

Gambit AF-MF® is an oil resistant sealing material recommended for high temperatures. Recommended for use with water, steam, fuels and oils.
Operating temperature: + 350 ° C (for steam + 280 ° C), maximum temperature + 400 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 120 bar

GAMBIT MAGNUM® - a combination of selected unique yarns, fi llers and rubber. The high-capacity aramid and mineral fi bres, together with nano-fi llers and selected rubber composition that create discontinuous phase and a specifi c method of cross-linking make the sheet structure different from the standard yarn-elastomer sheets. Sealing goods made of this sheet maintain higher elasticity in high temperatures and higher resistance to media than the standard sheets, which extends its life-cycle.
Operating temperature: + 370 ° C (for steam + 260 ° C), maximum temperature + 420 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 100 bar

AF-400® Type 245 - Used in high temperature connections, high pressure systems and medium flow fluctuations. Differs in high mechanical strength. Can be used in the automotive industry. NOT recommended for use in acidic and chemical environments. Resistant to water, steam, fuels and oils.
Operating temperature: + 350 ° C (for steam + 260 ° C), maximum temperature + 400 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 120 bar

AF-U® Type 232 - designed for sealing in medium temperature and medium pressure applications. Water, steam, kerosene, fuel, and oil resistant, among other media
Operating temperature: + 250 ° C (for steam + 200 ° C), maximum temperature + 350 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 100 bar

AF-300® Type 225 - An elastic material that easily follows all the curves and irregularities of a flange. Particularly recommended for water and steam installations, in heating and power generation sector. The material is resistant to brake and cooling liquids, it is recommended for automotive applications.
Operating temperature: + 280 ° C (for steam + 220 ° C), maximum temperature + 320 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 100 bar

AF-CHEMCID® - Acid and base resistant material. Recommended mostly for applications in chemical sector.
Operating temperature: + 150 ° C, maximum temperature + 200 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 40 bar

PARO-GAMBIT® type 246 - A high performance material, recommended mostly for installations working with steam.
PARO-GAMBIT® Type 246 - Approvals
Operating temperature: + 350 ° C (for steam + 350 ° C), maximum temperature + 400 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 100 bar

AF-CD® Type 223 - a material based on natural fibres is recommended mostly for heating installations and water supply mains, with both hot and cold water. It is also dedicated to sewage mains and industrial water cycles.
Operating temperature: + 160 ° C (for steam + 140 ° C), maximum temperature + 200 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 80 bar

GAMBIT SOFT Type 213 - elastic material for application in low parameter installations. Particularly recommended for heating, water supply and sewage installations.
GAMBIT SOFT Type 213 - Approvals
Operating temperature: + 150 ° C (for steam + 130 ° C), maximum temperature + 180 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 30 bar

Gambit AF – GL® - Specially selected constituents and structure of material ensure high tightness of a joint and resistance to a whole range of media, including steam, water, fuels, oils, solutions of salt as well as weak solutions of acids and bases. Thanks to application of a unique composition of fibres and fillers, gaskets made of this material feature higher resistance to operation in steam.
Operating temperature: + 340 ° C (for steam + 250 ° C), maximum temperature + 400 ° C.
Maximum pressure: 120 bar

GAMBITGRAF LUX® - a material applied in high temperature and pressure. Recommended to steam, carbohydrates and most of chemical compounds except strong oxidants. Resistant to mechanical and thermal cycles as well as to rapid changes of temperature.
Operating temperature: + 450 ° C (for steam + 550 ° C).
Maximum pressure: 120 bar