FORT VALE Coupling API RP 1004 bottom loading of tank trucks

We present you a business partner of the British company TMS - Fort Vale.
Fort Vale - the largest developer and manufacturer of valves for tank containers (tank-containers) on the world market. The company's equipment is designed to ensure reliable and safe operation of tank containers, as well as to simplify and reduce the cost of their service.
Company TMS markets products of this company in the Baltics and the near abroad. In our standard offer includes non-drip standard Api1004. Housing and basic details of this product are made of high-quality light-alloy aluminum on its own technology company Fort Vale. Seals can be easily replaced. Surface subject to wear due to friction, have been treated hard anodic oxidation.
Operational capabilities of these products specially modified to obtain maximum long life without maintenance. All termoreagiruyuschie details like rubber seals, cuffs, rings, made of cold-resistant materials, which distinguishes our products from competitors' products. Regardless of the merits of this and the fact that the product itself is completely manufactured in England, according to all international standards of quality, the price of the product is in the lowest price category. In the experience of the company's customers TMS can safely assure you that with proper use of the product are from 3 years of age and over, in spite of the severe winter conditions of the region (up to -25 ° C in winter).
Also in our offer there are repair kits for these products, which can significantly extend the deadlines stated above guaranteed operation, and provided drawings and instructions for repair products simplify the replacement of consumables.
Catalog Clutches API1004
TMS company is ready to offer its customers any position by an enterprise of Fort Vale. Coming in from the link below, you can see the full company offers.
If you have any questions you are interested, please contact our managers for additional information and quotations.

Продукция, выпускаемая компанией Fort Vale:
170mm inspection hatch 300mm inspection hatch
400mm manhole Hatches 460mm-Laz
500mm manhole
600mm manhole
Special hatches, manholes
The wing bolts, gaskets and others.
3/4 "safety valve steam line
1 "safety valve Minnow
1½ "safety valve Uniact
1½ "and 2½" Safety Flap Twinact
2½ "and 3" safety valve Super Maxi
80mm gas safety valve
4 "safety valve
Breathing valve US. DOT
4 "quick disconnect of API
4 "quick disconnect of API with extended triggers
Equipment underflow of API
Plugs for screw and cam devices drain
The plugs and caps, threaded BSP
BSP adapters
Cam device
Forecourt devices
Fueling nozzle (pistols)
Tips for hoses
Spare parts for fueling nozzles (pistols)
Tips for nozzles
output flanges
Cam device for tank standard API
Hinged bolts, wing nuts and bolts of security
Butterfly valves
ball Valves
Internal high-speed valves
Equipment for terminals
optional equipment
Fort Vale products are certified by all major certification companies, including the Russian Maritime Register of Shipping.