
Vinyl - a polymeric article obtained based on polyvinyl chloride (PVC) resin and perchlorvinyl adding modifiers and fillers. Vinyl or otherwise unplasticized polyvinyl chloride, is exposed to different types of processing depending on the final product. Vinyl plastic film used for the method of rolling, and the vinyl liner sheet obtained by extrusion technology packages of a film or by extrusion. This material is used in the manufacture of pipes, window and door profiles, tiles, as well as chemical apparatus, protective covers, containers and other products. Subject to temperature conditions during storage and use of vinyl liner is completely harmless, as it does not emit harmful substances into the atmosphere and is not explosive.
Properties viniplast
The distinctive features are its vinyl plastic flexural strength, elasticity, low coefficient of friction and ease of machining (milling, grinding, drilling). Vinyl plastic sheet can be subjected to thermal stress and a variety of glue adhesive compositions based on polyvinyl chloride resin or perchlorovinyl ensuring joint strength up to 80-90%. Vinyl not support combustion, no odor and is a good insulator at temperature to 80 C, but at higher temperatures there is deterioration of its dielectric properties. Vinyl plastic sheet can be used in a temperature range of from 0 to 60 C: at temperatures above 70 C, hydrogen chloride is released, which should be considered during the heat treatment vinyl plastic. Sheets suitable for operation at temperatures down to -50 C, but in this case, the material becomes sensitive to shock and vibration. Vinyl is resistant to acids, alkalis, alcohols and ethers, but is exposed to aromatic and chlorinated hydrocarbons.
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