Glass fiber

Glass fiber - a laminated sheet material, consisting of two or more layers of glass, stacked parallel layers, impregnated and bonded together under high pressure thermoset polymeric resin. By the principle of pre-emptive purpose glass fiber can be divided into two basic types: electrical and structural. Glass fiber is produced in the form of sheets of different sizes and thicknesses. The further processing of sheets in parts and products made mainly by machining or stamping.
Main advantages
Glass fiber - a great eco-friendly composite plastic, has one of the highest dielectric and mechanical properties among plastic, high resistance to aggressive environments, moisture (can be used in water), durability (practically does not lose its properties in operation for 20 years or more ). Currently, glass fiber is widely used in various industries: radio and electrical engineering, aviation and rocketry, shipbuilding, metallurgy.
Scope and brands
Fiberglass marks STEF, STEF-1, Y-STEF available epoxy resin and are intended for manufacturing various parts and products for electrical purposes, operating on air at normal relative humidity at -60 - + 35 ° C, the electric current in excess of 1000 and a frequency of 50 Hz and a high humidity in the temperature range from -60 ° C to 155 ° C and a voltage of 1,000 V and 50 Hz. STEF brand, STEF-1, STEF-U have a high mechanical strength, are very stable electrical properties under high humidity. Mark fiberglass STEF-1 is different from STEF more homogeneous fine internal and surface structure. Mark STEF-U is different from STEF STEF-1, and higher mechanical and electrical properties and a wide range of sheet thicknesses (from 0.35 mm to 100 mm). Mark STT and ST-ETF-based resin epoksitrifenolnoy differ from STEF, STEF-1, STEF-have the ability to operate at higher temperatures (up to 180 ° C) and have a higher moisture resistance and the ability to maintain their properties for operation in tropical climates. Cast-in glass fiber, produced on the basis of phenolic resin modified with polyvinyl butyral having enhanced mechanical properties and is used as a structural material. It is treated with grinding, milling, drilling, and punched (punched and punched). Mark STEB has low flammability, its modification STEB-OP-P used to make lakosazhevyh resistors and modification STEB-OP-P - for gaskets and boards in electronics. STEF-P - semiconducting glass fiber used to seal the stator windings of hydro generators. STEF-PV - semiconducting material used to seal the coils in the slots of stators of high voltage electrical machines.
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