Polyamide (PA, caprolon, Ertalon, Sustamid)

The multifunctional material structural and antifriction. Advantageously replaces non-ferrous metals and alloys. Chemically resistant, has good mechanical and electrical properties, wear resistance, can operate without lubrication in friction, it is well processed by milling, turning, drilling, grinding. Certified for contact with food. It is used both in new construction and repair.
Deliveries (polyamide 6, 4.6, 66 and their compositions):
sheets and plates with thickness from 0.5mm up to 200mm
round bars and discs with a diameter of 5 mm to 500 mm
flexible tube, pipe, sleeve inner diameter of 2mm to 570mm
PA 6 "Ertalon 6 SA"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - extrusion
The colors - white, black
Delivery program:
round bar diameter 5-600mm
thick sheet 0,5-80mm
tube / bushing
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 85
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -40
Melting point, ° C: 220
Density, g / cm3 1.14
B this material optimally combine the mechanical strength, hardness, toughness, mechanical damping properties and wear resistance. These properties, together with good electrical insulating properties and good chemical resistance make Ertalon 6 SA «universal" grade for mechanical construction and maintenance.
PA 6 "Ertalon 6 PLA"
Manufacturer -Belgiya
Method of production - molding
The colors - ivory, black
Delivery program:
50-500mm diameter round bar
sheet thickness 10-250mm
tube / bushing
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 106
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -30
Melting point, ° C: 220
Density, g / cm3 1.15
Unmodified grade polyamide injection has characteristics very similar to those of 66 Ertalon SA. This material combines high mechanical strength, stiffness and hardness with very good creep resistance and wear resistance, resistance to thermal aging and workability.
PA 6 "Ertalon 6 XAU +"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - molding
The colors - ivory, black
Delivery program:
50-500mm diameter round bar
sheet thickness 10-100mm
tube / bushing
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 120
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -30
Melting point, ° C: 220
Density, g / cm3 1.15
Ertalon 6 XAU + is a heat stabilized polyamide injection with high crystalline and homogeneous structure. Compared with conventional extrusion and injection molding the polyamide has a higher resistance to thermal aging (greater resistance to thermal degradation), which results in an increase to 15-30 ° C operating temperature for prolonged periods. Ertalon 6 XAU + is particularly recommended for sliding elements and other wear parts at temperatures higher than + 60 ° C.
PA 6 "Ertalon LFX"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - molding
Colors - dark green
Delivery program:
50-500mm diameter round bar
sheet thickness 10-100mm
tube / bushing
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 105
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -20
Melting point, ° C: 220
Density, g / cm3 1.15
Ertalon LFX - molding polyamide containing lubricants, which truly is a self-lubricating materials. This material is designed specifically for heavily loaded, slow-moving sliding elements and dry due to its low coefficient of friction (-50%), and its wear resistance (up to 10 times higher) can significantly extend the scope of application of polyamides.
PA 6 "Nylatron GSM"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - molding
The colors - gray-black
Delivery program:
50-500mm diameter round bar
sheet thickness 10-100mm
tube / bushing
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 105
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -30
Melting point, ° C: 220
Density, g / cm3 1.16
Nylatron GSM contains finely divided particles of molybdenum disulphide, influencing positively to the friction and wear properties, while not deteriorating the high impact and fatigue resistance inherent in unmodified polyamides injection. This makes it possible to apply this mark for manufacturing gears, bearings, sprockets and rope blocks.
PA 6 "Nylatron MC901"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - molding
The colors - blue
Delivery program:
50-500mm diameter round bar
sheet thickness 10-100mm
tube / bushing
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 105
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -30
Melting point, ° C: 220
Density, g / cm3 1.15
This modified polyamide injection molding, easily distinguished by their blue color exhibits higher viscosity, flexibility and fatigue resistance than Ertalon 6 PLA. This makes the material particularly suitable for gears, and a small diameter gear racks.
PA 6 "Nylatron NSM"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - molding
The colors - blue
Delivery program:
50-500mm diameter round bar
sheet thickness 10-100mm
tube / bushing
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 105
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -30
Melting point, ° C: 220
Density, g / cm3 1.15
Nylatron NSM is a special cast polyamide 6, containing evenly distributed solid lubricant which gives the "self-lubricating" material excellent sliding properties, excellent wear resistance, as well as an extremely high limit factor speed-pressure (up to 5 times higher than the PV-limit than conventional cast polyamides). Nylatron NSM is especially suitable for bearings working without lubrication at higher sliding speeds and wear parts, and, therefore, is a wonderful complement to the oil-filled Ertalon LFX.
PA 66 "Ertalon 66 SA"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - extrusion
The colors - ivory, black
Delivery program:
round bar diameter 5-250mm
sheet thickness 2-100mm
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 95
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -30
Melting point, ° C: 220
Density, g / cm3 1.15
The material more solid, hard, heat-resistant and wear-resistant than Ertalon 6 SA. It also has greater resistance to stress, but has a less good elasticity and a weaker mechanical damping capacity. Well suited for machining on automatic machines.
PA 66 "Ertalon 66-GF30"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - extrusion
Colors - Black
Delivery program:
round bar diameter 8-200mm
sheet thickness 10-100mm
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 120
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -20
Melting point, ° C: 255
Density, g / cm3 1.29
Compared with this simple type of polyamide 66 polyamide, 30% fiberglass reinforced termostabilizirovany and has high mechanical strength, stiffness, creep resistance and dimensional stability while maintaining excellent wear resistance. It can be used at higher maximum allowable temperatures.
PA 66 "Nylatron GS"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - extrusion
The colors - gray-black
Delivery program:
round bar diameter 6-50mm
sheet thickness 8-50mm
tube / bushing
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 95
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -20
Melting point, ° C: 255
Density, g / cm3 1.15
The addition of MoS2 makes the material more rigid, hard and resistant to deformation than Ertalon 66 SA, but the toughness decreases slightly. Effect of nucleating molybdenum disulfide results in a fine-grained structure, which improves sliding properties and wear resistance.
PA 4.6 "Ertalon 4.6"
Manufacturer - Belgium
Method of production - extrusion
The colors - red-brown
Delivery program:
round bar diameter 5-60mm
10-50 mm thick sheet
Maximum operating temperature, ° C: 155
The minimum working temperature, ° C: -40
Melting point, ° C: 295
Density, g / cm3: 1.18
Compared with conventional polyamides Ertalon 4.6 has better properties conservation hardness and resistance to stress in a wide range of temperatures, as well as a very high resistance to thermal aging. Therefore Ertalon 4.6 is suitable for use in "high temperatures" (80-150 ° C), where hardness, resistance to stress, resistance to thermal aging, fatigue strength and wear resistance of the materials PA 6, PA 66, acetal and PET are not sufficient.
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