
The hose is expensive, especially the industrial hose. When the Hosebun ™ product is used, the maximum bending radius of the hose manufacturer is protected, and your expensive hose will not bend.
Hosebun ™ is by far the most advanced way of hanging the hose in a constant or temporary semi-rigid position. How many times have you seen how a hose rises inefficiently or unsafe? Hosebun ™ products provide an efficient and safe hose suspension designed for your unique needs. Even wide slings do not provide the protection required by your hose. Among other things, Hosebun ™ is a one-time purchase - the cradle itself does not wear out.
Hosebun ™ is used for hoses in various industrial and commercial facilities and applications, including: petrochemical industry, drilling of oil and gas wells, gas station for high voltage channels, land and sea transportation and transportation, military and aviation fuel depots and nuclear industry.
For more information and offer, please contact us.