PVC, PE, EVA and PUR hose

Our offered technical hoses are designed for industry and are efficient, long-lasting and safe.
Many types of industrial hoses are made from Pre-PUR, PVC, PE and EVA, a special type of ester and ether polyurethane. The benefits of those materials include an especially long life and extremely high resistance to abrasion. Both of these properties enable extraordinarily long service lives, low conversion costs and therefore excellent cost efficiency. We provide high-quality technical hoses and hose solutions. We offer technical types of hoses for almost all industrial clusters, which feature special properties that make them ideal for a range of uses. Our offered hoses achieve long service lives thanks to the high-quality raw materials used in their production. Industrial quality hoses also meet all the requirements of their respective field of application. This ensures that C-component hoses can be comprehensively and sustainably used in a wide range of industrial fields.
For more information and offer, please contact us.