Dry Disconnect Couplers NovaFlex

NovaFlex® 'HDC' The Next Generation in Dry-Release® Technology
'HDC' from NovaFlex is the most advanced & highest performing coupling of it's type available today. Often referred to generically as dry break, dry disconnect, or self sealing couplings, HDC is fully interchangeable with other brands conforming to the dimensional requirements of STANAG 3756PHE, yet offers significant safety, quality, performance, and life cost serviceability advantages.
Drawing on decades of real world application experience, the NovaFlex® 'HDC' product optimizes every area of function and design to deliver a truly innovative and reliable safety product. All products are compatible with dry-break couplings, dry-release couplings, TODO, Mann-tek, Klaw, Emco Wheaton and Shand.
HDC™ Couplers
Novaflex® 'HDC'™ couplings optimize every area of function and design to deliver a truly innovative and reliable safety coupling.
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